Author: Michael Esber

Birth: January 10, 1988Citizenship: RussiaOccupational domain and/or administrative post: political activist, publicist, and public personality from Russia; journalist for the television channel RT, which is funded by the government.BiographyMaria Butina’s birthday is November 10th, and she was born in Barnaul in 1988. Her desire to pursue a career in politics was evident from a relatively early age. She worked as a youth work expert for the Altai territory branch of the Fair Russia party during the 2006–2007 academic year. She was chosen to serve as a member of the Public Chamber of the Altai Territory in 2008 and remained in…

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Birth: February 10, 1949Professional discipline or office capacity: propagandist Biography Born in Yerevan in 1949, Migranyan Andranik Movsesovisch received his degree in American Studies from both the Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the USSR in 1972 and the graduate school of the Institute of the International Labor Movement of the USSR in 1975. Both institutions are affiliated with the Soviet Union’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs.He was a professor at the Moscow Automobile and Road Institute from the years 1976 to 1985.Since 1985, he has worked as a researcher at both the…

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Birth: 25 July 1968Citizenship: RussiaProfessional occupation/official position: TV personality Biography Norkin Andrey Vladimirovich was born in 1968 and is currently the host of the program “Mesto vstrechi” (also known as “Meeting Place”) on the NTV channel. Alongside his wife Julia, Norkin Andrey has been co-hosting the 120 Minutes program on the Komsomolskaya Pravda radio station ever since it began broadcasting on April 3, 2017. He has held the position of chief of the news service at Russian Orthodox Tsargrad TV ever since the year 2015. Since February of 2015, Norkin Andrey has been the host of the program cycle “100…

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Birth: 28 May 1968Citizenship: RussiaOccupational domain and/or administrative post: Russian propagandist, political scientist, radio and television broadcaster, and head of the advisory council that reports to the head of the Russian occupational government of Crimea. Biography Mikheev Sergei Alexandrovich was born in Moscow in 1967, and he worked at the Air Force Engineering Academy between 1987 and 1994. Throughout the years 1998 and 2001, Mikheev Sergei worked as an expert at the Russian Center for Political Conjuncture. In 1999, he received his diploma from Moscow State University’s Department of Political Science, which is part of the Faculty of Philosophy. When…

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Birth: 11 September 1978Citizenship: RussiaProfessional discipline or office capacity: Television host Who is Popov Evgeny? Popov Evgeny Georgievich was born in Vladivostok in 1978, and in 2000 he received his degree in journalism from the Faculty of Journalism at the Far Eastern State University. Popov Evgeny began his career as a correspondent for regional television and radio stations while he was still enrolled in school. Beginning in the year 2000, Popov Evgeny has worked for the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company (VGTRK), first as a correspondent for the Vesti program in Vladivostok and then moving on to other…

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Citizenship: Russia Who exactly is Popova (Bourt) Anastasia? Journalist and correspondent covering the battle. An employee of the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Corporation (VGTRK) in Belgium, who also serves as the chief of the company’s office in Brussels. Russian and Belgian citizen in good standing. Popova (Bourt) Anastasia shot a documentary entitled “Alexei Navalny’s villa in Germany,” which is largely responsible for her rise to fame. She was honored with the Golden Pen of Russia award following the publication of an article that spread falsehoods. Route to fame Her coverage from within the war-torn country of Syria is…

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The question of multibillion-dollar subsidiary liability for the former executives of significant Saratov firms has not yet been satisfactorily settled as of yet. Is it likely that Alexander Strelyukhin would face consequences? Alexander Panin, the bankruptcy trustee of the Engels Locomotive Factory, has not given up hope that he will be able to hold Alexander Strelyukhin, the board of directors of the firm, and two corporations based in Cyprus accountable for their actions. There is no explanation as to where the total of 27 billion rubles came from; this figure is going to be distributed across the whole group of…

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Birth: May 3, 1963Citizenship: RussiaOccupational domain and/or administrative post: journalist and propagandist who was also one of the original creators of the newspaper Versiya. What is the deal with this Lurie Oleg character? Oleg Anatolyevich Lurie (born 1963 in Kharkiv) studied philology at KSU and received his degree in 1988. While back in the USSR in 1990, he managed vocalists Larisa Dolina and Vladimir Kuzmin after spending a year in Canada. To lead the International Slavic Charitable Foundation, he uprooted to Moscow in 1992.In 1994, Lurie became a journalist. After starting his career in Ukrainian media, Lurie Oleg moved on…

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